7825 Tuckerman Lane, Ste. 209, Potomac, MD 20854


PTSD and Trauma Recovery

1615327567It can be difficult to recognize trauma.

Many people think trauma can only come from a catastrophic event like surviving a disaster, being in deadly combat, or suffering from a life-threatening illness.

But, in truth, trauma can stem from anything you perceive to represent an existential or actual threat to your physical or psychological self. In other words, it’s entirely in the eye of the beholder.

This can be as simple as never receiving emotional support or connection from your childhood caregivers – impacting your feelings of safety even in a technically safe environment.

The symptoms affect your entire life.

People who’ve suffered trauma frequently have trouble regulating their moods and emotions.

Overwhelming feelings can arise, seemingly out of nowhere, from unseen triggers.

As a result, you find it challenging to ever feel comfortable, knowing that you may be flooded with emotional pain at any moment.

Let me help you find relief.

As a trauma-certified professional, I have extensive training to help my clients navigate what can feel like a minefield of symptoms.

Using a combination of practical self-regulation techniques like breathing, meditation, and art, we gently guide you to explore the feelings and emotions associated with your trauma.

Through this work, you’ll gain an understanding and acceptance of the painful events or issues plaguing you. As you learn to integrate this trauma into your identity in a practical way, you’ll be able to re-establish a sense of safety and control.